Top Players

[BenTo] LV. 1407

R. 0 | GR. 7

2. Madonna LV. 1130 R. 212 | GR. 5
3. KingDom LV. 860 R. 196 | GR. 5
4. Arwen LV. 868 R. 166 | GR. 5
5. SaylorLEM LV. 597 R. 105 | GR. 5
6. StylloDL LV. 797 R. 343 | GR. 4
7. AORUS LV. 534 R. 303 | GR. 4
8. BOSE LV. 856 R. 268 | GR. 4
9. GunL LV. 846 R. 250 | GR. 4
10. GLee LV. 847 R. 248 | GR. 4

Found Drops

Mine Digger
Sword of Destruction
Rune Blade
Holy Storm Claws
Cookery Short Sword
Crystal Morning Star
Crystal Sword
Elemental Mace
Master Scepter
Great Scepter
Lord Scepter
Dragon Spear
Conmocion Lance
Pluma Lance
Vis Lance
Alacran Lance
Bluewing Crossbow
Aquagold Crossbow
Saint Crossbow
Celestial Bow
Great Reign Crossbow
Staff of Resurrection
Staff of Destruction
Dragon Soul Staff
Ancient Stick
Demonic Stick
Book of Lagle
Black Dragon Helm
Dark Phoenix Helm
Grand Soul Helm
Holy Spirit Helm
Red Spirit Helm
Adamantine Mask
Dark Steel Mask
Ashcrow Helm
Eclipse Helm
Iris Helm
Glorious Mask
Ancient Helm
Demonic Helm
Storm Jahad Helm
Piercing Groove Helm
Princie Helmet
Hirat Helmet
Sate Helmet
Kenaz Hood
Nightwing Helm
Frere Helmet
Blue Eye Runist Helm
Blue Eye Knight Helm
Blue Eye Wizard Helm
Blue Eye Elf Helm (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Helm
Blue Eye Lord Helm
Blue Eye Fighter Helm
Blue Eye Lancer Helmet
Blue Eye Elf Helm (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Helm
Blue Eight Knight Helm (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Helmet
Blue Eye Light Wizard Helmet
Blue Eye Mage Helmet
Magic Flare Helmet
Noble Pixie Helmet
Fidelity Helm
Finesse Helmet
Storm Crow Armor
Black Dragon Armor
Dark Phoenix Armor
Grand Soul Armor
Holy Spirit Armor
Adamantine Armor
Dark Steel Armor
Ashcrow Armor
Eclipse Armor
Iris Armor
Ancient Armor
Demonic Armor
Sacred Fire Armor
Storm Jahad Armor
Piercing Groove Armor
Princie Armor
Hirat Armor
Sate Armor
Kanaz Armor
Frere Armor
Blue Eye Runist Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor
Blue Eye Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Armor
Blue Eye Magic Armor (A)
Blue Eye Lord Armor
Blue Eye Fighter Armor
Blue Eye Lancer Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (B)
Blue Eye Magic Armor (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Armor
Blue Eye Light Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Mage Armor
Magic Flare Armor
Noble Pixie Armor
Fidelity Armor
Finesse Armor
Storm Crow Pants
Black Dragon Pants
Dark Phoenix Pants
Grand Soul Pants
Holy Spirit Pants
Thunder Hawk Pants
Red Spirit Pants
Adamantine Pants
Dark Steel Pants
Ashcrow Pants
Eclipse Pants
Iris Pants
Valiant Pants
Glorious Pants
Ancient Pants
Demonic Pants
Storm Jahad Pants
Piercing Groove Pants
Princie Pants
Hirat Pants
Sate Pants
Kanaz Pants
Frere Pants
Blue Eye Runist Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants
Blue Eye Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Pants
Blue Eye Magic Pants (A)
Blue Eye Lord Pants
Blue Eye Fighter Pants
Blue Eye Lancer Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (B)
Blue Eye Magic Pants (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Pants
Blue Eye Light Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Mage Pants
Magic Flare Pants
Noble Pixie Pants
Fidelity Pants
Finesse Pants
Storm Crow Gloves
Black Dragon Gloves
Dark Phoenix Gloves
Grand Soul Gloves
Holy Spirit Gloves
Thunder Hawk Gloves
Great Dragon Gloves
Dark Soul Gloves
Hurricane Gloves
Red Spirit Gloves
Dark Steel Gloves
Dark Master Gloves
Valiant Gloves
Glorious Gloves
Demonic Gloves
Hirat Gloves
Sate Gloves
Kanaz Gloves
Nightwing Gloves
Frere Gloves
Blue Eye Runist Gloves
Blue Eye Knight Gloves
Blue Eye Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Gloves
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Lord Gloves
Blue Eye Lancer Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Gloves
Blue Knight Gloves (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Gloves
Blue Eye Light Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Mage Gloves
Magic Flare Gloves
Noble Pick Market
Fidelity Gloves
Finesse Gloves
Storm Crow Boots
Black Dragon Boots
Dark Phoenix Boots
Grand Soul Boots
Holy Spirit Boots
Thunder Hawk Boots
Great Dragon Boots
Dark Soul Boots
Red Spirit Boots
Dark Steel Boots
Dark Master Boots
Ashcrow Boots
Eclipse Boots
Iris Boots
Valiant Boots
Glorious Boots
Ancient Boots
Demonic Boots
Piercing Groove Boots
Hirat Boots
Sate Boots
Kanaz Boots
Night Wing Boots
Frere Boots
Blue Eye Runist Boots
Blue Eye Knight Boots
Blue Eye Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Boots
Blue Eye Magic Boots (A)
Blue Eye Lord Boots
Blue Eye Fighter Boots
Blue Eye Lancer Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (B)
Blue Eye Magic Boots (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Boots
Blue Knight Boots (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Boots
Blue Eye Light Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Mage Boots
Magic Flare Boots
Noble Pixie Boots
Fidelity Boots
Finesse Boots
Scroll of Summon
Scroll of Electric Spark
Scroll of Fire Scream
Crystal of Destruction
Crystal of Multi-Shot
Crystal of Recovery
Crystal of Flame Strike
Scroll of Chaotic Diseier
Shining Peak Scroll
Breche Scroll
Swordsman's Wrath
Dark Plasma Bead
Death Ice Ball
Mithril Fragment
Ring of Ice
Ring of Poison
Ring of Fire
Ring of Earth
Ring of Wind
Ring of Magic
Garuda's Flame
Golden Sentence
Scroll of Decay
Scroll of Ice Storm
Scroll of Nova
Lightning Shock Parchment
Weakness Parchment
Scroll of Wizardry Enhance
Scroll of Gigantic Storm
Dragon Slasher Parchment
Lightning Storm Act
Burst Act
Blue Eye Shield
Mine Carrier
Sword of Destruction
Rune Blade
Holy Storm Claws
Cookery Short Sword
Crystal Morning Star
Crystal Sword
Elemental Mace
Master Scepter
Great Scepter
Lord Scepter
Dragon Spear
Conmocion Lance
Pluma Lance
Vis Lance
Alacran Lance
Bluewing Crossbow
Aquagold Crossbow
Saint Crossbow
Celestial Bow
Great Reign Crossbow
Staff of Resurrection
Staff of Destruction
Dragon Soul Staff
Ancient Stick
Demonic Stick
Book of Lagle
Black Dragon Helm
Dark Phoenix Helm
Grand Soul Helm
Holy Spirit Helm
Red Spirit Helm
Adamantine Mask
Dark Steel Mask
Ashcrow Helm
Eclipse Helm
Iris Helm
Glorious Mask
Ancient Helm
Demonic Helm
Storm Jahad Helm
Piercing Groove Helm
Princie Helmet
Hirat Helmet
Sate Helmet
Kenaz Hood
Nightwing Helm
Frere Helmet
Blue Eye Runist Helm
Blue Eye Knight Helm
Blue Eye Wizard Helm
Blue Eye Elf Helm (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Helm
Blue Eye Lord Helm
Blue Eye Fighter Helm
Blue Eye Lancer Helmet
Blue Eye Elf Helm (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Helm
Blue Eight Knight Helm (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Helmet
Blue Eye Light Wizard Helmet
Blue Eye Mage Helmet
Magic Flare Helmet
Noble Pixie Helmet
Fidelity Helm
Finesse Helmet
Storm Crow Armor
Black Dragon Armor
Dark Phoenix Armor
Grand Soul Armor
Holy Spirit Armor
Adamantine Armor
Dark Steel Armor
Ashcrow Armor
Eclipse Armor
Iris Armor
Ancient Armor
Demonic Armor
Sacred Fire Armor
Storm Jahad Armor
Piercing Groove Armor
Princie Armor
Hirat Armor
Sate Armor
Kanaz Armor
Frere Armor
Blue Eye Runist Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor
Blue Eye Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Armor
Blue Eye Magic Armor (A)
Blue Eye Lord Armor
Blue Eye Fighter Armor
Blue Eye Lancer Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (B)
Blue Eye Magic Armor (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Armor
Blue Eye Light Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Mage Armor
Magic Flare Armor
Noble Pixie Armor
Fidelity Armor
Finesse Armor
Storm Crow Pants
Black Dragon Pants
Dark Phoenix Pants
Grand Soul Pants
Holy Spirit Pants
Thunder Hawk Pants
Red Spirit Pants
Adamantine Pants
Dark Steel Pants
Ashcrow Pants
Eclipse Pants
Iris Pants
Valiant Pants
Glorious Pants
Ancient Pants
Demonic Pants
Storm Jahad Pants
Piercing Groove Pants
Princie Pants
Hirat Pants
Sate Pants
Kanaz Pants
Frere Pants
Blue Eye Runist Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants
Blue Eye Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Pants
Blue Eye Magic Pants (A)
Blue Eye Lord Pants
Blue Eye Fighter Pants
Blue Eye Lancer Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (B)
Blue Eye Magic Pants (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Pants
Blue Eye Light Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Mage Pants
Magic Flare Pants
Noble Pixie Pants
Fidelity Pants
Finesse Pants
Storm Crow Gloves
Black Dragon Gloves
Dark Phoenix Gloves
Grand Soul Gloves
Holy Spirit Gloves
Thunder Hawk Gloves
Great Dragon Gloves
Dark Soul Gloves
Hurricane Gloves
Red Spirit Gloves
Dark Steel Gloves
Dark Master Gloves
Valiant Gloves
Glorious Gloves
Demonic Gloves
Hirat Gloves
Sate Gloves
Kanaz Gloves
Nightwing Gloves
Frere Gloves
Blue Eye Runist Gloves
Blue Eye Knight Gloves
Blue Eye Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Gloves
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Lord Gloves
Blue Eye Lancer Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Gloves
Blue Knight Gloves (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Gloves
Blue Eye Light Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Mage Gloves
Magic Flare Gloves
Noble Pick Market
Fidelity Gloves
Finesse Gloves
Storm Crow Boots
Black Dragon Boots
Dark Phoenix Boots
Grand Soul Boots
Holy Spirit Boots
Thunder Hawk Boots
Great Dragon Boots
Dark Soul Boots
Red Spirit Boots
Dark Steel Boots
Dark Master Boots
Ashcrow Boots
Eclipse Boots
Iris Boots
Valiant Boots
Glorious Boots
Ancient Boots
Demonic Boots
Piercing Groove Boots
Hirat Boots
Sate Boots
Kanaz Boots
Night Wing Boots
Frere Boots
Blue Eye Runist Boots
Blue Eye Knight Boots
Blue Eye Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Boots
Blue Eye Magic Boots (A)
Blue Eye Lord Boots
Blue Eye Fighter Boots
Blue Eye Lancer Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (B)
Blue Eye Magic Boots (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Boots
Blue Knight Boots (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Boots
Blue Eye Light Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Mage Boots
Magic Flare Boots
Noble Pixie Boots
Fidelity Boots
Finesse Boots
Scroll of Summon
Scroll of Electric Spark
Scroll of Fire Scream
Crystal of Destruction
Crystal of Multi-Shot
Crystal of Recovery
Crystal of Flame Strike
Scroll of Chaotic Diseier
Shining Peak Scroll
Breche Scroll
Swordsman's Wrath
Dark Plasma Bead
Death Ice Ball
Mithril Fragment
Ring of Ice
Ring of Poison
Ring of Fire
Ring of Earth
Ring of Wind
Ring of Magic
Garuda's Flame
Golden Sentence
Scroll of Decay
Scroll of Ice Storm
Scroll of Nova
Lightning Shock Parchment
Weakness Parchment
Scroll of Wizardry Enhance
Scroll of Gigantic Storm
Dragon Slasher Parchment
Lightning Storm Act
Burst Act
Blue Eye Shield
Mine Porter
Sword of Destruction
Rune Blade
Holy Storm Claws
Cookery Short Sword
Crystal Morning Star
Crystal Sword
Elemental Mace
Master Scepter
Great Scepter
Lord Scepter
Dragon Spear
Conmocion Lance
Pluma Lance
Vis Lance
Alacran Lance
Bluewing Crossbow
Aquagold Crossbow
Saint Crossbow
Celestial Bow
Great Reign Crossbow
Staff of Resurrection
Staff of Destruction
Dragon Soul Staff
Ancient Stick
Demonic Stick
Book of Lagle
Black Dragon Helm
Dark Phoenix Helm
Grand Soul Helm
Holy Spirit Helm
Red Spirit Helm
Adamantine Mask
Dark Steel Mask
Ashcrow Helm
Eclipse Helm
Iris Helm
Glorious Mask
Ancient Helm
Demonic Helm
Storm Jahad Helm
Piercing Groove Helm
Princie Helmet
Hirat Helmet
Sate Helmet
Kenaz Hood
Nightwing Helm
Frere Helmet
Blue Eye Runist Helm
Blue Eye Knight Helm
Blue Eye Wizard Helm
Blue Eye Elf Helm (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Helm
Blue Eye Lord Helm
Blue Eye Fighter Helm
Blue Eye Lancer Helmet
Blue Eye Elf Helm (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Helm
Blue Eight Knight Helm (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Helmet
Blue Eye Light Wizard Helmet
Blue Eye Mage Helmet
Magic Flare Helmet
Noble Pixie Helmet
Fidelity Helm
Finesse Helmet
Storm Crow Armor
Black Dragon Armor
Dark Phoenix Armor
Grand Soul Armor
Holy Spirit Armor
Adamantine Armor
Dark Steel Armor
Ashcrow Armor
Eclipse Armor
Iris Armor
Ancient Armor
Demonic Armor
Sacred Fire Armor
Storm Jahad Armor
Piercing Groove Armor
Princie Armor
Hirat Armor
Sate Armor
Kanaz Armor
Frere Armor
Blue Eye Runist Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor
Blue Eye Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Armor
Blue Eye Magic Armor (A)
Blue Eye Lord Armor
Blue Eye Fighter Armor
Blue Eye Lancer Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (B)
Blue Eye Magic Armor (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Armor
Blue Eye Light Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Mage Armor
Magic Flare Armor
Noble Pixie Armor
Fidelity Armor
Finesse Armor
Storm Crow Pants
Black Dragon Pants
Dark Phoenix Pants
Grand Soul Pants
Holy Spirit Pants
Thunder Hawk Pants
Red Spirit Pants
Adamantine Pants
Dark Steel Pants
Ashcrow Pants
Eclipse Pants
Iris Pants
Valiant Pants
Glorious Pants
Ancient Pants
Demonic Pants
Storm Jahad Pants
Piercing Groove Pants
Princie Pants
Hirat Pants
Sate Pants
Kanaz Pants
Frere Pants
Blue Eye Runist Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants
Blue Eye Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Pants
Blue Eye Magic Pants (A)
Blue Eye Lord Pants
Blue Eye Fighter Pants
Blue Eye Lancer Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (B)
Blue Eye Magic Pants (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Pants
Blue Eye Light Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Mage Pants
Magic Flare Pants
Noble Pixie Pants
Fidelity Pants
Finesse Pants
Storm Crow Gloves
Black Dragon Gloves
Dark Phoenix Gloves
Grand Soul Gloves
Holy Spirit Gloves
Thunder Hawk Gloves
Great Dragon Gloves
Dark Soul Gloves
Hurricane Gloves
Red Spirit Gloves
Dark Steel Gloves
Dark Master Gloves
Valiant Gloves
Glorious Gloves
Demonic Gloves
Hirat Gloves
Sate Gloves
Kanaz Gloves
Nightwing Gloves
Frere Gloves
Blue Eye Runist Gloves
Blue Eye Knight Gloves
Blue Eye Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Gloves
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Lord Gloves
Blue Eye Lancer Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Gloves
Blue Knight Gloves (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Gloves
Blue Eye Light Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Mage Gloves
Magic Flare Gloves
Noble Pick Market
Fidelity Gloves
Finesse Gloves
Storm Crow Boots
Black Dragon Boots
Dark Phoenix Boots
Grand Soul Boots
Holy Spirit Boots
Thunder Hawk Boots
Great Dragon Boots
Dark Soul Boots
Red Spirit Boots
Dark Steel Boots
Dark Master Boots
Ashcrow Boots
Eclipse Boots
Iris Boots
Valiant Boots
Glorious Boots
Ancient Boots
Demonic Boots
Piercing Groove Boots
Hirat Boots
Sate Boots
Kanaz Boots
Night Wing Boots
Frere Boots
Blue Eye Runist Boots
Blue Eye Knight Boots
Blue Eye Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Boots
Blue Eye Magic Boots (A)
Blue Eye Lord Boots
Blue Eye Fighter Boots
Blue Eye Lancer Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (B)
Blue Eye Magic Boots (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Boots
Blue Knight Boots (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Boots
Blue Eye Light Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Mage Boots
Magic Flare Boots
Noble Pixie Boots
Fidelity Boots
Finesse Boots
Scroll of Summon
Scroll of Electric Spark
Scroll of Fire Scream
Crystal of Destruction
Crystal of Multi-Shot
Crystal of Recovery
Crystal of Flame Strike
Scroll of Chaotic Diseier
Shining Peak Scroll
Breche Scroll
Swordsman's Wrath
Dark Plasma Bead
Death Ice Ball
Mithril Fragment
Ring of Ice
Ring of Poison
Ring of Fire
Ring of Earth
Ring of Wind
Ring of Magic
Garuda's Flame
Golden Sentence
Scroll of Decay
Scroll of Ice Storm
Scroll of Nova
Lightning Shock Parchment
Weakness Parchment
Scroll of Wizardry Enhance
Scroll of Gigantic Storm
Dragon Slasher Parchment
Lightning Storm Act
Burst Act
Blue Eye Shield
Mine Driller
Sword of Destruction
Rune Blade
Holy Storm Claws
Cookery Short Sword
Crystal Morning Star
Crystal Sword
Elemental Mace
Master Scepter
Great Scepter
Lord Scepter
Dragon Spear
Conmocion Lance
Pluma Lance
Vis Lance
Alacran Lance
Bluewing Crossbow
Aquagold Crossbow
Saint Crossbow
Celestial Bow
Great Reign Crossbow
Staff of Resurrection
Staff of Destruction
Dragon Soul Staff
Ancient Stick
Demonic Stick
Book of Lagle
Black Dragon Helm
Dark Phoenix Helm
Grand Soul Helm
Holy Spirit Helm
Red Spirit Helm
Adamantine Mask
Dark Steel Mask
Ashcrow Helm
Eclipse Helm
Iris Helm
Glorious Mask
Ancient Helm
Demonic Helm
Storm Jahad Helm
Piercing Groove Helm
Princie Helmet
Hirat Helmet
Sate Helmet
Kenaz Hood
Nightwing Helm
Frere Helmet
Blue Eye Runist Helm
Blue Eye Knight Helm
Blue Eye Wizard Helm
Blue Eye Elf Helm (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Helm
Blue Eye Lord Helm
Blue Eye Fighter Helm
Blue Eye Lancer Helmet
Blue Eye Elf Helm (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Helm
Blue Eight Knight Helm (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Helmet
Blue Eye Light Wizard Helmet
Blue Eye Mage Helmet
Magic Flare Helmet
Noble Pixie Helmet
Fidelity Helm
Finesse Helmet
Storm Crow Armor
Black Dragon Armor
Dark Phoenix Armor
Grand Soul Armor
Holy Spirit Armor
Adamantine Armor
Dark Steel Armor
Ashcrow Armor
Eclipse Armor
Iris Armor
Ancient Armor
Demonic Armor
Sacred Fire Armor
Storm Jahad Armor
Piercing Groove Armor
Princie Armor
Hirat Armor
Sate Armor
Kanaz Armor
Frere Armor
Blue Eye Runist Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor
Blue Eye Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Armor
Blue Eye Magic Armor (A)
Blue Eye Lord Armor
Blue Eye Fighter Armor
Blue Eye Lancer Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (B)
Blue Eye Magic Armor (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Armor
Blue Eye Light Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Mage Armor
Magic Flare Armor
Noble Pixie Armor
Fidelity Armor
Finesse Armor
Storm Crow Pants
Black Dragon Pants
Dark Phoenix Pants
Grand Soul Pants
Holy Spirit Pants
Thunder Hawk Pants
Red Spirit Pants
Adamantine Pants
Dark Steel Pants
Ashcrow Pants
Eclipse Pants
Iris Pants
Valiant Pants
Glorious Pants
Ancient Pants
Demonic Pants
Storm Jahad Pants
Piercing Groove Pants
Princie Pants
Hirat Pants
Sate Pants
Kanaz Pants
Frere Pants
Blue Eye Runist Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants
Blue Eye Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Pants
Blue Eye Magic Pants (A)
Blue Eye Lord Pants
Blue Eye Fighter Pants
Blue Eye Lancer Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (B)
Blue Eye Magic Pants (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Pants
Blue Eye Light Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Mage Pants
Magic Flare Pants
Noble Pixie Pants
Fidelity Pants
Finesse Pants
Storm Crow Gloves
Black Dragon Gloves
Dark Phoenix Gloves
Grand Soul Gloves
Holy Spirit Gloves
Thunder Hawk Gloves
Great Dragon Gloves
Dark Soul Gloves
Hurricane Gloves
Red Spirit Gloves
Dark Steel Gloves
Dark Master Gloves
Valiant Gloves
Glorious Gloves
Demonic Gloves
Hirat Gloves
Sate Gloves
Kanaz Gloves
Nightwing Gloves
Frere Gloves
Blue Eye Runist Gloves
Blue Eye Knight Gloves
Blue Eye Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Gloves
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Lord Gloves
Blue Eye Lancer Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Gloves
Blue Knight Gloves (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Gloves
Blue Eye Light Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Mage Gloves
Magic Flare Gloves
Noble Pick Market
Fidelity Gloves
Finesse Gloves
Storm Crow Boots
Black Dragon Boots
Dark Phoenix Boots
Grand Soul Boots
Holy Spirit Boots
Thunder Hawk Boots
Great Dragon Boots
Dark Soul Boots
Red Spirit Boots
Dark Steel Boots
Dark Master Boots
Ashcrow Boots
Eclipse Boots
Iris Boots
Valiant Boots
Glorious Boots
Ancient Boots
Demonic Boots
Piercing Groove Boots
Hirat Boots
Sate Boots
Kanaz Boots
Night Wing Boots
Frere Boots
Blue Eye Runist Boots
Blue Eye Knight Boots
Blue Eye Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Boots
Blue Eye Magic Boots (A)
Blue Eye Lord Boots
Blue Eye Fighter Boots
Blue Eye Lancer Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (B)
Blue Eye Magic Boots (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Boots
Blue Knight Boots (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Boots
Blue Eye Light Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Mage Boots
Magic Flare Boots
Noble Pixie Boots
Fidelity Boots
Finesse Boots
Scroll of Summon
Scroll of Electric Spark
Scroll of Fire Scream
Crystal of Destruction
Crystal of Multi-Shot
Crystal of Recovery
Crystal of Flame Strike
Scroll of Chaotic Diseier
Shining Peak Scroll
Breche Scroll
Swordsman's Wrath
Dark Plasma Bead
Death Ice Ball
Mithril Fragment
Ring of Ice
Ring of Poison
Ring of Fire
Ring of Earth
Ring of Wind
Ring of Magic
Garuda's Flame
Golden Sentence
Scroll of Decay
Scroll of Ice Storm
Scroll of Nova
Lightning Shock Parchment
Weakness Parchment
Scroll of Wizardry Enhance
Scroll of Gigantic Storm
Dragon Slasher Parchment
Lightning Storm Act
Burst Act
Blue Eye Shield
Dead Porter
Dark Breaker
Thunder Blade
Sword Dancer
Rune Blade
Piercing Blade Glove
Elemental Mace
Lord Scepter
Shining Scepter
Dragon Spear
Pluma Lance
Vis Lance
Celestial Bow
Great Reign Crossbow
Albatross Bow
Frere Magic Gun
Staff of Destruction
Dragon Soul Staff
Platina Staff
Demonic Stick
Dark Phoenix Helm
Holy Spirit Helm
Great Dragon Helm
Dark Soul Helm
Red Spirit Helm
Dark Steel Mask
Dark Master Mask
Glorious Mask
Piercing Groove Helm
Hirat Helmet
Sate Helmet
Nightwing Helm
Frere Helmet
Blue Eye Runist Helm
Blue Eye Knight Helm
Blue Eye Wizard Helm
Blue Eye Elf Helm (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Helm
Blue Eye Lord Helm
Blue Eye Fighter Helm
Blue Eye Lancer Helmet
Blue Eye Elf Helm (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Helm
Blue Eight Knight Helm (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Helmet
Blue Eye Light Wizard Helmet
Blue Eye Mage Helmet
Magic Flare Helmet
Noble Pixie Helmet
Fidelity Helm
Finesse Helmet
Black Dragon Armor
Dark Phoenix Armor
Grand Soul Armor
Holy Spirit Armor
Thunder Hawk Armor
Dark Soul Armor
Red Spirit Armor
Dark Steel Armor
Dark Master Armor
Valiant Armor
Glorious Armor
Demonic Armor
Piercing Groove Armor
Hirat Armor
Sate Armor
Kanaz Armor
Frere Armor
Blue Eye Runist Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor
Blue Eye Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Armor
Blue Eye Magic Armor (A)
Blue Eye Lord Armor
Blue Eye Fighter Armor
Blue Eye Lancer Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (B)
Blue Eye Magic Armor (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Armor
Blue Eye Light Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Mage Armor
Magic Flare Armor
Noble Pixie Armor
Fidelity Armor
Finesse Armor
Dark Phoenix Pants
Grand Soul Pants
Holy Spirit Pants
Thunder Hawk Pants
Great Dragon Pants
Dark Soul Pants
Hurricane Pants
Red Spirit Pants
Dark Steel Pants
Dark Master Pants
Valiant Pants
Glorious Pants
Demonic Pants
Piercing Groove Pants
Hirat Pants
Sate Pants
Kanaz Pants
Night Wing Pants
Frere Pants
Blue Eye Runist Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants
Blue Eye Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Pants
Blue Eye Magic Pants (A)
Blue Eye Lord Pants
Blue Eye Fighter Pants
Blue Eye Lancer Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (B)
Blue Eye Magic Pants (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Pants
Blue Eye Light Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Mage Pants
Magic Flare Pants
Noble Pixie Pants
Fidelity Pants
Finesse Pants
Dark Phoenix Gloves
Thunder Hawk Gloves
Great Dragon Gloves
Dark Soul Gloves
Hurricane Gloves
Dark Master Gloves
Valiant Gloves
Glorious Gloves
Nightwing Gloves
Frere Gloves
Blue Eye Runist Gloves
Blue Eye Knight Gloves
Blue Eye Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Gloves
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Lord Gloves
Blue Eye Lancer Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Gloves
Blue Knight Gloves (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Gloves
Blue Eye Light Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Mage Gloves
Magic Flare Gloves
Noble Pick Market
Fidelity Gloves
Finesse Gloves
Dark Phoenix Boots
Thunder Hawk Boots
Great Dragon Boots
Dark Soul Boots
Hurricane Boots
Red Spirit Boots
Dark Master Boots
Valiant Boots
Glorious Boots
Hirat Boots
Sate Boots
Night Wing Boots
Frere Boots
Blue Eye Runist Boots
Blue Eye Knight Boots
Blue Eye Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Boots
Blue Eye Magic Boots (A)
Blue Eye Lord Boots
Blue Eye Fighter Boots
Blue Eye Lancer Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (B)
Blue Eye Magic Boots (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Boots
Blue Knight Boots (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Boots
Blue Eye Light Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Mage Boots
Magic Flare Boots
Noble Pixie Boots
Fidelity Boots
Finesse Boots
Orb of Summoning
Mithril Fragment
Ring of Ice
Ring of Poison
Ring of Fire
Ring of Earth
Ring of Wind
Ring of Magic
Garuda's Flame
Golden Sentence
Innovation Parchment
Blue Eye Shield
Dead Digger
Dark Breaker
Thunder Blade
Sword Dancer
Rune Blade
Piercing Blade Glove
Elemental Mace
Lord Scepter
Shining Scepter
Dragon Spear
Pluma Lance
Vis Lance
Celestial Bow
Great Reign Crossbow
Albatross Bow
Frere Magic Gun
Staff of Destruction
Dragon Soul Staff
Platina Staff
Demonic Stick
Dark Phoenix Helm
Holy Spirit Helm
Great Dragon Helm
Dark Soul Helm
Red Spirit Helm
Dark Steel Mask
Dark Master Mask
Glorious Mask
Piercing Groove Helm
Hirat Helmet
Sate Helmet
Nightwing Helm
Frere Helmet
Blue Eye Runist Helm
Blue Eye Knight Helm
Blue Eye Wizard Helm
Blue Eye Elf Helm (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Helm
Blue Eye Lord Helm
Blue Eye Fighter Helm
Blue Eye Lancer Helmet
Blue Eye Elf Helm (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Helm
Blue Eight Knight Helm (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Helmet
Blue Eye Light Wizard Helmet
Blue Eye Mage Helmet
Magic Flare Helmet
Noble Pixie Helmet
Fidelity Helm
Finesse Helmet
Black Dragon Armor
Dark Phoenix Armor
Grand Soul Armor
Holy Spirit Armor
Thunder Hawk Armor
Dark Soul Armor
Red Spirit Armor
Dark Steel Armor
Dark Master Armor
Valiant Armor
Glorious Armor
Demonic Armor
Piercing Groove Armor
Hirat Armor
Sate Armor
Kanaz Armor
Frere Armor
Blue Eye Runist Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor
Blue Eye Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Armor
Blue Eye Magic Armor (A)
Blue Eye Lord Armor
Blue Eye Fighter Armor
Blue Eye Lancer Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (B)
Blue Eye Magic Armor (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Armor
Blue Eye Light Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Mage Armor
Magic Flare Armor
Noble Pixie Armor
Fidelity Armor
Finesse Armor
Dark Phoenix Pants
Grand Soul Pants
Holy Spirit Pants
Thunder Hawk Pants
Great Dragon Pants
Dark Soul Pants
Hurricane Pants
Red Spirit Pants
Dark Steel Pants
Dark Master Pants
Valiant Pants
Glorious Pants
Demonic Pants
Piercing Groove Pants
Hirat Pants
Sate Pants
Kanaz Pants
Night Wing Pants
Frere Pants
Blue Eye Runist Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants
Blue Eye Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Pants
Blue Eye Magic Pants (A)
Blue Eye Lord Pants
Blue Eye Fighter Pants
Blue Eye Lancer Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (B)
Blue Eye Magic Pants (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Pants
Blue Eye Light Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Mage Pants
Magic Flare Pants
Noble Pixie Pants
Fidelity Pants
Finesse Pants
Dark Phoenix Gloves
Thunder Hawk Gloves
Great Dragon Gloves
Dark Soul Gloves
Hurricane Gloves
Dark Master Gloves
Valiant Gloves
Glorious Gloves
Nightwing Gloves
Frere Gloves
Blue Eye Runist Gloves
Blue Eye Knight Gloves
Blue Eye Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Gloves
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Lord Gloves
Blue Eye Lancer Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Gloves
Blue Knight Gloves (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Gloves
Blue Eye Light Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Mage Gloves
Magic Flare Gloves
Noble Pick Market
Fidelity Gloves
Finesse Gloves
Dark Phoenix Boots
Thunder Hawk Boots
Great Dragon Boots
Dark Soul Boots
Hurricane Boots
Red Spirit Boots
Dark Master Boots
Valiant Boots
Glorious Boots
Hirat Boots
Sate Boots
Night Wing Boots
Frere Boots
Blue Eye Runist Boots
Blue Eye Knight Boots
Blue Eye Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Boots
Blue Eye Magic Boots (A)
Blue Eye Lord Boots
Blue Eye Fighter Boots
Blue Eye Lancer Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (B)
Blue Eye Magic Boots (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Boots
Blue Knight Boots (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Boots
Blue Eye Light Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Mage Boots
Magic Flare Boots
Noble Pixie Boots
Fidelity Boots
Finesse Boots
Ring of Ice
Ring of Poison
Ring of Fire
Ring of Earth
Ring of Wind
Ring of Magic
Garuda's Flame
Golden Sentence
Innovation Parchment
Blue Eye Shield
Mithril Fragment
Dead Shoveler
Dark Breaker
Thunder Blade
Sword Dancer
Rune Blade
Piercing Blade Glove
Elemental Mace
Lord Scepter
Shining Scepter
Dragon Spear
Pluma Lance
Vis Lance
Celestial Bow
Great Reign Crossbow
Albatross Bow
Frere Magic Gun
Staff of Destruction
Dragon Soul Staff
Platina Staff
Demonic Stick
Dark Phoenix Helm
Holy Spirit Helm
Great Dragon Helm
Dark Soul Helm
Red Spirit Helm
Dark Steel Mask
Dark Master Mask
Glorious Mask
Piercing Groove Helm
Hirat Helmet
Sate Helmet
Nightwing Helm
Frere Helmet
Blue Eye Runist Helm
Blue Eye Knight Helm
Blue Eye Wizard Helm
Blue Eye Elf Helm (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Helm
Blue Eye Lord Helm
Blue Eye Fighter Helm
Blue Eye Lancer Helmet
Blue Eye Elf Helm (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Helm
Blue Eight Knight Helm (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Helmet
Blue Eye Light Wizard Helmet
Blue Eye Mage Helmet
Magic Flare Helmet
Noble Pixie Helmet
Fidelity Helm
Finesse Helmet
Black Dragon Armor
Dark Phoenix Armor
Grand Soul Armor
Holy Spirit Armor
Thunder Hawk Armor
Dark Soul Armor
Red Spirit Armor
Dark Steel Armor
Dark Master Armor
Valiant Armor
Glorious Armor
Demonic Armor
Piercing Groove Armor
Hirat Armor
Sate Armor
Kanaz Armor
Frere Armor
Blue Eye Runist Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor
Blue Eye Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Armor
Blue Eye Magic Armor (A)
Blue Eye Lord Armor
Blue Eye Fighter Armor
Blue Eye Lancer Armor
Blue Eye Elf Armor (B)
Blue Eye Magic Armor (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Armor
Blue Eye Knight Armor (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Armor
Blue Eye Light Wizard Armor
Blue Eye Mage Armor
Magic Flare Armor
Noble Pixie Armor
Fidelity Armor
Finesse Armor
Dark Phoenix Pants
Grand Soul Pants
Holy Spirit Pants
Thunder Hawk Pants
Great Dragon Pants
Dark Soul Pants
Hurricane Pants
Red Spirit Pants
Dark Steel Pants
Dark Master Pants
Valiant Pants
Glorious Pants
Demonic Pants
Piercing Groove Pants
Hirat Pants
Sate Pants
Kanaz Pants
Night Wing Pants
Frere Pants
Blue Eye Runist Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants
Blue Eye Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Pants
Blue Eye Magic Pants (A)
Blue Eye Lord Pants
Blue Eye Fighter Pants
Blue Eye Lancer Pants
Blue Eye Elf Pants (B)
Blue Eye Magic Pants (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Pants
Blue Eye Knight Pants (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Pants
Blue Eye Light Wizard Pants
Blue Eye Mage Pants
Magic Flare Pants
Noble Pixie Pants
Fidelity Pants
Finesse Pants
Dark Phoenix Gloves
Thunder Hawk Gloves
Great Dragon Gloves
Dark Soul Gloves
Hurricane Gloves
Dark Master Gloves
Valiant Gloves
Glorious Gloves
Nightwing Gloves
Frere Gloves
Blue Eye Runist Gloves
Blue Eye Knight Gloves
Blue Eye Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Gloves
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (A)
Blue Eye Lord Gloves
Blue Eye Lancer Gloves
Blue Eye Elf Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Magic Gloves (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Gloves
Blue Knight Gloves (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Gloves
Blue Eye Light Wizard Gloves
Blue Eye Mage Gloves
Magic Flare Gloves
Noble Pick Market
Fidelity Gloves
Finesse Gloves
Dark Phoenix Boots
Thunder Hawk Boots
Great Dragon Boots
Dark Soul Boots
Hurricane Boots
Red Spirit Boots
Dark Master Boots
Valiant Boots
Glorious Boots
Hirat Boots
Sate Boots
Night Wing Boots
Frere Boots
Blue Eye Runist Boots
Blue Eye Knight Boots
Blue Eye Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (A)
Blue Eye Summoner Boots
Blue Eye Magic Boots (A)
Blue Eye Lord Boots
Blue Eye Fighter Boots
Blue Eye Lancer Boots
Blue Eye Elf Boots (B)
Blue Eye Magic Boots (B)
Blue Eye Slayer Boots
Blue Knight Boots (Conviction)
Manticore Gun Crusher Boots
Blue Eye Light Wizard Boots
Blue Eye Mage Boots
Magic Flare Boots
Noble Pixie Boots
Fidelity Boots
Finesse Boots
Ring of Ice
Ring of Poison
Ring of Fire
Ring of Earth
Ring of Wind
Ring of Magic
Garuda's Flame
Golden Sentence
Innovation Parchment
Blue Eye Shield
Mithril Fragment
Top Guilds

[VietCong] BanhMi

TLv. 13363 | TMLv. 20724

2. Astral Legendary TLv. 10312 | TMLv. 19517
3. ROYALTY Valkirya TLv. 11287 | TMLv. 16854
4. TheBegin TENEBROSO TLv. 7252 | TMLv. 13334
5. VTV3 AORUS TLv. 7878 | TMLv. 12375
6. FckOff Selene TLv. 8273 | TMLv. 11750
7. LEYENDAS INVOKER TLv. 4160 | TMLv. 5399
8. 666Team Samael TLv. 1200 | TMLv. 3033
9. TOPLV Dzeikei TLv. 3067 | TMLv. 2923
10. WTFBRO Pantera TLv. 1595 | TMLv. 1761